Prints for Conservation - Fawn Rescue

Now that it's springtime, we are in the thick of fawn season. If we are lucky, we may catch a glimpse of a mama deer with her baby (or babies!) walking through the woods or in a park. Unfortunately, every year many fawns are orphaned when their mothers are hit by cars or caught in fences. Thank goodness there are organizations like Kindred Spirits Fawn Rescue, a non-profit organization whose mission is to rescue and rehabilitate injured and orphaned fawns and reintroduce them into the wild.
Prints for Conservation : Fawn Rescue
Baby Animal Prints aren't just beautiful artwork - they aim to inspire families to learn about wildlife conservation and become connected with nature. For the entire month of June, 50% of the retail price of these fawn fine art prints will be donated to Kindred Spirits Fawn Rescue to support their amazing work with these animals. Each of these prints is available in color, black and white and sepia. Order yours today and 50% of the retail price will go to rehabilitate fawns in need!
Did You Know...
The average fawn that visits Kindred Spirits Fawn Rescue drinks 1 1/2 quarts of goat milk a day! That can get expensive fast!
With your help, Kindred Spirits Fawn Rescue will be able to buy enough milk and veterinary supplies to safely rehabilitate fawns this season. By buying one of these fine art fawn photographs by Suzi Eszterhas, 50% of the retail price will be donated to support the generous work at Kindred Spirits Fawn Rescue. Order your prints today!
What If You Find a Fawn?
It may surprise you to learn that fawns are often left alone for several hours at a time. Mothers will often leave their fawns while they go graze for food. If you are concerned that a fawn has been abandoned or orphaned, please keep your distance and check it occasionally for up to four hours before contacting Kindred Spirits Fawn Rescue or your local wildlife rehabilitation center. If, however, it is clearly injured or sick, please contact them immediately.
In order to protect an injured fawn, it needs to be kept warm and safe from predators. A dog crate or large box will do the trick temporarily. Because fawns will be fearful, it helps to keep them in the dark. Covering the crate or box with a towel or blanket should be sufficient. To keep the fawn warm, you can use a hot water bottle. An alternative strategy is to fill a sock with dry rice, tie it closed, microwave it for three minutes, and then wrap the bundle in a towel. You can also cover the fawn itself with a blanket inside the crate. Please make sure to keep your kiddos and pets at a distance so that you can protect the fawn from unnecessary stress.
- Michelle Stern
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