Big Cats From Around the World

Tigers live on the continent of Asia in a variety of habitats such as rainforests, grasslands, savannas and even mangrove swamps. Their numbers are in decline because of the growth of human populations and expanding human activity. Sadly, tigers are often poached because some cultures want to use their body parts for medicine.
Cheetahs are Africa's most endangered big cat. You'd hope that being the fastest land animal might help them, but sadly, speed can not protect these animals from habitat loss. For thousands of years, cheetahs were kept as companion animals by royalty, and to this day, there is still high demand for cheetahs as pets. Unfortunately, they do not breed well in captivity, so many are captured in the wild in order to fuel this illegal trade.
Lions are the most social of the big cats, living in prides of up to 30 animals. Females do most of the hunting, and males protect the pride and defend its territory. Like all other wildlife, they are impacted by habitat loss.
- Michelle Stern
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