Baby Animal Prints Blog

What Does That Animal Sound Like?

What Does That Animal Sound Like? 0

There are as many animal sounds as there are types of animals. Some are familiar, such a the bark of a dog or the meow of a cat. But have you ever heard a wild animal?  Sounds are varied, depending on the purpose and even on the size of the animal doing the "talking."
Making Backyard Bird Feeders with Kids

Making Backyard Bird Feeders with Kids 0

It's hard to feel connected with wildlife if you aren't exposed to it. But by feeding birds where you live, you'll get a daily dose of visitors. While some species will visit all year round, others are migratory, passing through only during certain seasons. And others will surprise you by coming dressed in brightly colored breeding plumage, after you become accustomed to seeing them in their relatively dull winter tones.

Kits and Cubs

Kits and Cubs 0

Animals, just like people, often share the same name!  But don't be fooled - a name isn't everything. Our earlier blog posts about Joeys and Calves demonstrate how many baby animals can be called the same thing, no matter their size or species. This time, we are going to look at the different animals that are called Kits and Cubs. 
Joeys - Baby Marsupials

Joeys - Baby Marsupials 0

Marsupials are special mammals whose young are carried and suckled inside their mother's pouch. Those of us who are from North America have probably come across an opossum meandering down the street late at night. If you are really lucky, one might have even hissed at you, asking you to give it some space.

  • Michelle Stern